Armed with sharp spines, these plants are woody-stemmed. The small, creamy-white flowers are insignificant in themselves but are surrounded by large, decorative, papery bracts which can be white, yellow, orange, pink, red or purple. These are produced in clusters of between 10 and 20, mainly during spring and summer. Although they are naturally climbing plants, Bougainvillea buttiana can be trained to remain bushy indoors. They are best grown in very sunny rooms or conservatories, since they require a large amount of light to encourage them to flower.Mini-climateWarm, sunny.Size These plants can reach a maximum height and spread of about 6feet. Pinch out growing tips to encourage bushy growth. Small plants are offered for sale.Feeding Feed with standard liquid fertilizer every two weeks in summer.Potting Repot every spring using soil-based potting mixture with extra peat moss mixed in. Once plants are in Sin pots topdress instead.Special points Water less in winter. Destroy any mealy bugs you may find.
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